AGM Notice


The AGM of the WTC is to be held on Tuesday 8th December 2015 at Holiday Inn Express, Oulton. It will commence at 7.30pm. After the AGM there will be a meeting of the WTC under the usual agenda.

Nominations are invited for the following posts on the committee:

  • Chair
  • Vice Chair
  • Secretary
  • Competition Co-ordinator
  • Competition Organisers x 3
  • Judging Co-ordinator
  • Judging and coach course organiser
  • Squad Director
  • Welfare Officer
  • Finance Co-ordinator
  • YES Co-ordinator
  • Communication and publicity co-ordinator

Role descriptions for the above posts are available from the Secretary.

Nominations must be accompanied by a short resume of experience supplied by the nominated person, in order that clubs and coaches may make an informed decision.

In the event that there is more than one candidate nominated for a post, a vote will take place at the AGM and all clubs will be entitled to one vote per post.

Notice of Motion

Notice is submitted to accept amendments to the terms of reference of the Womens’ Artistic Section Technical Committee at the WTC AGM on Tuesday 8th December 2015.

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