Spaces Available – Safeguarding Course

There are still some spaces available on the next safeguarding course. As you are all aware it is essential to keep your safeguarding certificate up to date.

The details for contacting Helen Monks to book a place are below.

Safeguarding and Protecting Children Course

Accredited by Coachwise UK – and SCUK, course recognised by British Gymnastics and many other governing bodies.

This course is for all people providing services to children through sport. You are required to attend a certified Safeguarding course every 3 years.

Saturday 21st May, 2016 at Rothwell Leisure Centre. 1pm until 4pm

Cost: £35 per candidate, payable in advance.

Minimum age: 16 years on day of course.

Booking: Contact

Phone or text 07811 382 153

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