AGM 2019 – Nominations Closed


Yorkshire Gymnastics Association

Women’s Artistic Technical Committee


The AGM of the WTC is to be held on Tuesday 10th December 2019 at Holiday Inn Express, Oulton. It will commence at 7.30pm.

Nominations are invited for the following posts on the committee:

·        Chair ·        Competition Organiser (Floor )
·        Vice Chair ·        Competition Organiser (National)
·        Secretary ·        Competition Organiser (Door)
·        Finance Manager ·        Communication and Media Officer
·        Judging Convenor ·        Squad Director
·        Welfare Officer ·        Judge and Coach Education Officer
·        Competition Co-ordinator ·        Joint Training Officer (YES Co-ordinator)

Role descriptions are available at the website by clicking here.

Nominations must be accompanied by

  • the name of the Proposer,
  • the name of the Seconder
  • a short resume of relevant experience supplied by the nominated person, to enable an informed decision.

Emails will be sent to all nominees asking them to confirm that they accept the nomination, if the nomination is not accepted or no response received by the deadline the nomination will not be completed.

In the event that there is more than one candidate nominated for a post, a vote will take place at the AGM and all CLUBS attending the meeting will be entitled to one vote per position.

The Secretary must receive all nominations including the names of the Proposer and Seconder and resume no later than midnight on the 24th November 2019

Nominations and resumes will then be circulated prior to the meeting.

Nominations can be made via the website using the online form here,


Nominations from the Floor

If no one is nominated for a post prior to the meeting a nomination may be made from the floor with a proposer and a seconder. In this instance the nominee accepts the nomination at the meeting and provides a verbal resume.

Nominations from the floor cannot be made for posts where nominations have been received prior to the meeting. As the nominee needs to accept the nomination it is only possible to nominate from the floor if the nominee is in attendance.

Notice of Motions

Requests for notice of motions for discussion at the AGM must be submitted via the online form/in writing/by email by midnight on 24th November 2019,

Notices of motions can be made via the website using the online form here,


The Terms of Reference (the equivalent to a constitution) can only be modified by motions at a Special General Meeting (SGM) or at the AGM. A copy of the Terms of Reference is available here.

Notice of Motions are circulated with nominations prior to the meeting to allow them to be considered on the agenda of the SGM or AGM.

Summary 2019

11th November Notice of AGM circulated via email

11th November 2018 AGM minutes and 2019 AGM agenda circulated via email

11th November Role Descriptions available on the website here

11th November Notice of AGM and Role Descriptions published on website

24th November Nominations for Roles closes at midnight

24th November Notice of Motions deadline closes at midnight

28th November Nominations and Notices of Motions circulated to all affiliated clubs and members

10th December AGM


Sharon Parrett

Yorkshire WTC Secretary


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