April 2017 Interim Handbook

April 2017 Interim Handbook

This has been issued, emailed out and updated on this website.

Thank you to everyone who sent in the anomalies. These were all documented, so if you do not see your suggestion listed in these changes, please bear in mind that there are some anomalies that will be referred to the WTC and also some that relate to the new code and will be picked up later in the year.

The April 2017 handbook is an interim version. It will cover the competitions in July. For clarification the Yorkshire competitions in July will be judged against the criteria in this handbook however the value of moves will be as per the new FIG code and the E deductions will be as per the new FIG code.

THE EXCEPTION TO THIS IS THE YORKSHIRE INDIVIDUAL FIG COMPETITION. The FIG competition will be judged fully on the new FIG code not only for element values and E deductions but also on the new code Criteria CRs, DVs etc.  

It is unfortunate that it is necessary to have an interim criteria however, the centralising of judging courses to BG has led to some delays in the availability and delivery of the courses making a half way step necessary.


  • New Interim Handbook Attached
  • Document listing changes attached
  • Yorkshire Individuals Level 7 – Level 2 judged on attached Yorkshire criteria (in April 2017 handbook) using FIG 2017 move values and E deductions
  • Yorkshire Individual FIG judged on FIG 2017 criteria, move values and E deductions.
  • Judge courses early autumn 2017
  • New Yorkshire criteria to be issued in time to train for autumn competitions

 Don’t forget to stay up to date using the Resources tab on the Yorkshire website www.yorkshirewagymnastics.org


IMPORTANT: Grade Updates from National WTC

On behalf of the Yorkshire WTC and Judging Convenor:

Please be aware of an update from the National WTC. This has updates for Regional, National and Compulsory grades and these will be applied at the Yorkshire competitions. These have been sent out via email and can also be found by following the link below. 


Welfare, Safeguarding and Club Management Courses Coming Up

Time to Listen Course – for Club Welfare Officers. Book through BG Website

Sunday 29th January 10am at Rotherham School of Gymnastics

Sunday 5th March 9am at Rothwell Leisure Centre


Safeguarding and Protecting Children Course Book via helenm0nks@hotmail.com

Sunday 19th February 10am until 1pm – £35 per candidate

Must be 16 years minimum on day of course

Sunday 9th April 10am until 1pm


Club Management Course. Book through BG website

Sunday 5th March 1pm til 5pm at Rothwell Leisure Centre

IMPORTANT INFORMATION : regarding competition entries and transfers

Following discussions at the WTC meeting on 13th September 2016, it became apparent that there was lack of clarity over the transfer process for Women’s Artistic Gymnasts within the Yorkshire region.

Yorkshire Women’s Artistic Gymnastics has a transfer procedure for Yorkshire Women’s Artistic Gymnasts transferring between clubs. A Yorkshire Women’s Artistic Gymnast is defined as a gymnast that has entered any regional competition run by the Yorkshire WTC. This includes individual and team level competitions (level 7 through to FIG) as well as any grades.

The full minutes will be issued as normal however with competition entries in progress the WTC believed that it was paramount to clarify the process as a matter of urgency.

The transfer process is documented below please read it carefully. If you believe that you may have entered a gymnast in the forthcoming competitions, (Individual Level Competitions Level 7 – FIG 2016,)  but have not followed the process below please,

on this occasion,

notify both the Chairperson and the Competition Co-ordinator as a matter of urgency, on the emails below.

 Due to the lack of clarity in the region any gymnasts affected will be allowed to compete in the 2016 individual level competitions that are already open for entry, however the Competition Co-ordinator will ensure that the schedule for these competitions is amended to reflect both the Gaining and the Losing Club.





Yorkshire Women’s Artistic Gymnastics has a transfer procedure for Women’s Artistic Gymnasts transferring between clubs. A Yorkshire Women’s Artistic Gymnast is defined as a gymnast that has entered any regional competition run by the Yorkshire WTC. This includes individual and team level competitions  (level 7 through to FIG) as well as any grades.

If a gymnast is defined as a Yorkshire Women’s Artistic Gymnast as per the clarification above the transfer process must be followed.

There is transfer period of 6 months for Yorkshire Women’s Artistic Gymnasts. The period starts from the date that the Chairperson receives notification of the transfer.

During the 6 month transfer period gymnasts are allowed to enter Yorkshire WTC Individual Competitions (levels and grades) with Joint Club Credit. This means that the gymnast has both the Gaining Club and the Losing Club listed alongside their name. Gymnasts are not able to enter Yorkshire WTC Team Competitions during this period.

The WTC has agreed that the transfer process can now be conducted via email without the need of a separate transfer form. The process is as follows;

1)    On a gymnast transferring clubs, the Gaining Club will contact the Losing Club to advise that they are gaining the gymnast and to check that there are no outstanding monies, trophies, equipment or any other items belonging to the Losing Club.

2)    If there are no outstanding items the Losing Club advises the Gaining Club that this is the case.

3)    If there are no outstanding items the Gaining Club sends an email to the Yorkshire Women’s Artistic Chairperson to advise that a transfer has taken place. The email should be sent to chairperson@yorkshirewagymnastics.org

4)    The Chairperson logs the email and the date that it is received. This is the date that the transfer period starts.

5)    The Chairperson emails both the Gaining Club and the Losing Club to ensure that the process has been followed and to confirm the date that the transfer period has started.

6)    The Chairperson notifies the Competition Co-Ordinator to ensure that the rules around competing during the transfer period are applied to competition entries for this gymnast.

7)    If at the point at which the Gaining Club contacts the Losing Club there are any outstanding monies, trophies, equipment or any other items belonging to the Losing Club, the Gaining Club will advise the parents of the gymnast that these must be resolved or returned before the transfer request can be made.

8)    Once all outstanding monies, trophies, equipment or any other items belonging to the Losing Club are resolved or returned, the Gaining Club can return to point 3 in the process and sends an email to the WTC Chairperson to start the transfer period.

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Updated Handbook Issue August 2016 & Clarifications

The handbook has been reissued with corrected bank details and corrected Level 5 B Bonus information. All previous versions of the handbook should be replaced with this one date August 2016. The amended issue is available under handbooks here.

Over the last month a number of clarifications have taken place following questions to the WTC. A summary of the answers to these questions are below to ensure that everyone is in possession of the same information.


Level 3 Bars Clarifications

At Level 3 there will be a 0.5 deduction for the Jump from LB to HB. As there is no mention of uncoded elements so as stated FIG rules apply.

The giant is unable to be repeated to gain an extra move.

i.e. At level 3 the following routine would only have 4 elements meaning there would be a 1.0 penalty for a short routine and a 0.5 penalty for moving between the bars without an element as well as any other standard deductions.

Upstart (squat on),

long upstart (below hdst cast),



undershoot 1/2 turn.


National Grade Pass  – Level Eligibility

The new handbook says ‘gymnasts who have passed any national club grade must enter a minimum of voluntary Level 4’.  This refers only to the new grade structure. Passes at National Grade on the previous structure (Grades 14-1) have no bearing.


In Age / Out of Age Teams

‘In age’ gymnasts may compete as part of a team on ‘out of age’ rules as long as entries are in line with the Yorkshire entry criteria.


FIG Age Categories, Eligibility and Entries

The Challenge Cup is prior to the Yorkshire FIG Competitions. Gymnasts who have competed as Espoir in the Challenge Cup in line with the Yorkshire Handbook must compete as FIG. The Yorkshire FIG Competition has always been Junior and Senior. Espoir gymnasts come under the Junior section and compete under the Junior FIG Code.

On this basis gymnasts who have competed Espoir at the Challenge Cup will only be eligible for the Yorkshire FIG and will compete under the Junior section judged on the Junior FIG code.

The handbook lists eligibility criteria. This rule will apply to any other competitions which have an Espoir category and are listed by Yorkshire as leading to a minimum FIG entry.

In the team competition Junior FIG can be entered as part of the Senior FIG team in line with the age flexibility for teams detailed on page 7 of the Yorkshire Handbook “Exceptions to Complete a Team.” This states that  “A gymnast may be temporarily moved up 1 age group for a team competition to complete a team. A maximum of 2 gymnasts per team is allowed.”


Level 5 B Moves Clarification

Amended in Handbook Issue August 2016

To ensure that everyone is absolutely clear. B moves are allowed. The first B move credited on each piece will receive its 0.2 value plus a 0.5 Yorkshire Bonus. All subsequent B moves on a piece will only carry the basic 0.2 value. There is no limit on the number of B moves allowed per piece outside of the normal judging rules.


Entry Validation Email

Entries must be completed with an entry validation email as per the Yorkshire Handbook.


Corrected Bank Details in Handbook Version August 2016


Gymdata Extended Registration for Yorkshire Competitions

 As a special concession, registration for the L7+L4-FIG Individual competition has been extended for 1 week to allow people who are away for the bank holiday week and until the schools and clubs start back, time to complete their entry. It will close on 8th September 2016.

The L6 L5 Individual entry competition will close on 17th September 2016.

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2016 WAG Age Group Rules Published

The 2016 WAG Age group rules have now been published on the BG website. They can be found under Technical Information / discipline specific updates / Womens Artistic . Please see the link below also:

This information can also be accessed through the Yorkshire WA Gymnastics website under both coach updates and judging updates pages where you will find a link to the BG and FIG update pages.


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BOOK YOUR PLACE: Safeguarding Courses

Many of you will be aware that BG have got their new online option for £16 but this is not for first time qualified staff as well as online training not suiting everyone.

On this basis there are Safeguarding and Protecting Children courses accredited by Coachwise and approved by BG coming up.

This is for all coaches and volunteers providing services to children and requires renewal every three years.

Sunday August 21st at Rothwell Leisure Centre 1pm til 4pm

Tuesday 27th September at Rothwell Leisure Centre 6 til 9pm (tbc)

Thursday 27th October at Sheffield Workshop 1:30 til 4:30pm

Candidates must be min 16 years on day of course. Cost £35 payable in advance

Contact helenm0nks@hotmail.com (07811 382 153) to book your place.

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