Following discussions at the WTC meeting on 13th September 2016, it became apparent that there was lack of clarity over the transfer process for Women’s Artistic Gymnasts within the Yorkshire region.
Yorkshire Women’s Artistic Gymnastics has a transfer procedure for Yorkshire Women’s Artistic Gymnasts transferring between clubs. A Yorkshire Women’s Artistic Gymnast is defined as a gymnast that has entered any regional competition run by the Yorkshire WTC. This includes individual and team level competitions (level 7 through to FIG) as well as any grades.
The full minutes will be issued as normal however with competition entries in progress the WTC believed that it was paramount to clarify the process as a matter of urgency.
The transfer process is documented below please read it carefully. If you believe that you may have entered a gymnast in the forthcoming competitions, (Individual Level Competitions Level 7 – FIG 2016,) but have not followed the process below please,
on this occasion,
notify both the Chairperson and the Competition Co-ordinator as a matter of urgency, on the emails below.
Due to the lack of clarity in the region any gymnasts affected will be allowed to compete in the 2016 individual level competitions that are already open for entry, however the Competition Co-ordinator will ensure that the schedule for these competitions is amended to reflect both the Gaining and the Losing Club.
Yorkshire Women’s Artistic Gymnastics has a transfer procedure for Women’s Artistic Gymnasts transferring between clubs. A Yorkshire Women’s Artistic Gymnast is defined as a gymnast that has entered any regional competition run by the Yorkshire WTC. This includes individual and team level competitions (level 7 through to FIG) as well as any grades.
If a gymnast is defined as a Yorkshire Women’s Artistic Gymnast as per the clarification above the transfer process must be followed.
There is transfer period of 6 months for Yorkshire Women’s Artistic Gymnasts. The period starts from the date that the Chairperson receives notification of the transfer.
During the 6 month transfer period gymnasts are allowed to enter Yorkshire WTC Individual Competitions (levels and grades) with Joint Club Credit. This means that the gymnast has both the Gaining Club and the Losing Club listed alongside their name. Gymnasts are not able to enter Yorkshire WTC Team Competitions during this period.
The WTC has agreed that the transfer process can now be conducted via email without the need of a separate transfer form. The process is as follows;
1) On a gymnast transferring clubs, the Gaining Club will contact the Losing Club to advise that they are gaining the gymnast and to check that there are no outstanding monies, trophies, equipment or any other items belonging to the Losing Club.
2) If there are no outstanding items the Losing Club advises the Gaining Club that this is the case.
3) If there are no outstanding items the Gaining Club sends an email to the Yorkshire Women’s Artistic Chairperson to advise that a transfer has taken place. The email should be sent to
4) The Chairperson logs the email and the date that it is received. This is the date that the transfer period starts.
5) The Chairperson emails both the Gaining Club and the Losing Club to ensure that the process has been followed and to confirm the date that the transfer period has started.
6) The Chairperson notifies the Competition Co-Ordinator to ensure that the rules around competing during the transfer period are applied to competition entries for this gymnast.
7) If at the point at which the Gaining Club contacts the Losing Club there are any outstanding monies, trophies, equipment or any other items belonging to the Losing Club, the Gaining Club will advise the parents of the gymnast that these must be resolved or returned before the transfer request can be made.
8) Once all outstanding monies, trophies, equipment or any other items belonging to the Losing Club are resolved or returned, the Gaining Club can return to point 3 in the process and sends an email to the WTC Chairperson to start the transfer period.