Data Protection

The Yorkshire Gymnastics Association Women’s Technical Committee (YWTC)  takes your data protection seriously.


Competitions are public events, results and photographs are an expected and normal part of entering these events. Upon entering a YWTC competition you agree that results will be published and shared.

The YWTC may publish reports and photographs from these events on its website and social media sites. By entering you are agreeing that the YWTC may share this information.

As a data subject you retain the right at any time to request that this data is removed from the YWTC’s website and social media and we respect these rights and request. In these circumstances published data will be removed from these platforms. We are not able to require that third parties discontinue the use of images or other personal data obtained at these public events.

Other Events

The YWTC takes seriously your rights regarding your data. In line with this policy for events other than competitions we request that you complete a GDPR/Data Protection preference form so that we are fully informed and ensure that data is managed and published in line with your wishes.

Data Protection Forms for download and completion are available here.

These can be sent in advance to or brought on the day of an event.


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