BG : Where to Find Information on the Website

Below is guidance on where to find important WAG information on the BG website, with links.


BG Competition Handbook

This can be found by clicking the tabs: Technical Information/competition handbooks /womens artistic



Updates, Newsletters, Judging Sheets and Helpdesks

These often contain essential and updated information, they are worth checking regularly. These can be found by clicking on the tabs: Technical Information/Disciplines/Women’s Artistic


Handbooks for Compulsory Elite and NDP grades

These are on the BG website but can only be accessed as a member.

On the BG website go to Gymnet.

Log in.

The handbooks and many other supporting documents can be found under the Resource Centre. The grades information specifically is under Coach Resources. The link below will only work if you log in to Gymnet.


Aide Memoir on Main Element Changes to COP 2017-2020 (Dated June 2016)

An Aide Memoir issued in June 2016 with main COP element changes, FIG newsletters have been issued since this date so it is always worth checking on the FIG update pages.

Aide Memoir on Main Element Changes to COP 2017-2020 (Dated June 2016)

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