2024 – WTC AGM – Motion Submission Form Submissions will open on 12th November 2024 Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.I submit the following motion for consideration at the WTC AGM 2024Submitted by *FirstLastPlease tick one of the following, I am or represent the..... *ProposerSeconderEmail address of person submitting the motion *EmailConfirm EmailPlease tick one of the following on the understanding that nominees, proposers and seconders listed will all automatically receive a copy of the nomination in order to confirm that they are happy for the nomination to go ahead. *I am submitting a motion with a proposer and no seconderI am submitting a motion with a seconder and no proposerI am submitting a motion with both a proposer and a seconderProposing Club *Proposing Club's Contact Name *FirstLastProposing Club's Contact Email *EmailConfirm EmailSeconding Club *Seconding Club's Contact Name *FirstLastSeconding Club's Contact Email *EmailConfirm EmailStatement of authority *I am authorised to submit this motion on behalf if the clubs/people shown above. I understand that all parties will receive a copy of the nomination.GDPR Agreement *I consent to having this website store my submitted information so they can respond to my inquiry.Captcha * 4 * 1 = Email *Email *PhoneSubmit Facebook