Yorkshire WAG Squad 2019

Nominations submitted, trial completed, coaches and gymnasts told, suitable permissions gathered and the wait is over……….

Yorkshire WA Gymnastics are pleased to announce it’s Squad for 2019. Listed below in alphabetical order are the gymnasts who came forward, gave it a go and secured a place. Congratulations to all and we look forward to seeing you there.

Well done!

Abigail Campbell Junior Jessica Rodgers Senior
Abigail Virgo Senior Kate Crossley Senior
Ally Booker Senior Keira Thornton Senior
Amie Cawkwell Senior Leila Lih Junior
Amy Artojos Senior Libby Cree Junior
Anya Coates Junior Libby Wilson Junior
Caitlin Robinson Junior Lily Jean Newton Junior
Charise Lunga Junior Lily Knight Senior
Charlotte Willcoxson Junior Lois Hague Junior
Claire Zeng Junior Lola Pritchard Senior
Cordelia Ming Senior Macie Buxton Junior
Darcey Fearnley Junior Maisie Taylor Williams Senior
Elsie Greig Senior Matilda Swift Junior
Emily Holroyd Senior Megan Bridge Senior
Emily Travis Senior Millie Williams Junior
Erin Geoghegan Senior Naimh Selby Senior
Erin Ryan Junior Nina Deery Senior
Eva Marathalingam Junior Olivia Cham Senior
Faye Armstrong Junior Olivia Munro Junior
Gabriela Suroya Senior Poppy Harris Senior
Grace Wood Senior Pyper Mai Robinson Junior
Happiness Dissundi Junior Rebecca Wood Senior
Harriet Blackburn Junior Ruby Glover Junior
Holly Blake Senior Ruby Potter Junior
Hope Birch Senior Savannah Noorfoster Senior
Isobel Church Senior Scarlett Booth Senior
Isobel Gillett Senior Sophie Goldsmith Junior
Jasmine Milward Wright Junior Summer Sutton Junior
Jessica Burton Senior


Yorkshire WAG Squad Trial 2019

This day ended up being so much more than ‘just’ a trial, it was a Yorkshire event in itself. 18 clubs and 121 gymnasts passed through the process and did so with style, enthusiasm and teamwork. Whenever Yorkshire gymnasts, coaches and clubs come together, be it for clinics, workshops, competitions, YES or in this case a squad trial the atmosphere is phenomenal.

The squad selection will be announced shortly but this is a moment to recognise the triallists one and all, whether this year they secured a place or not. The energy, enthusiasm and sheer joy in gymnastics was overwhelmingly evident.

If this year you weren’t successful don’t let that put you off, we look forward to seeing you next year to have another go. Well done to everyone who gave it a try!


YES 2019 : Off to a flying start

The first YES training session of 2019 went ahead on Sunday the 10th of February at TSV gymnastics.

8 clubs signed up for the event with over 30 gymnasts taking part, 16 coaches with gymnasts and another coach / judge as well as a club judge who had signed up for an opportunity to practice.

Every club had ownership of part of the warm up to get things going and meaning the gymnasts themselves led from the beginning. They quickly understood this was their session and stepped up to show their comrades from other clubs how to do their part.

5 rotations, Vault, Bars, Beam, Floor and Conditioning. Everywhere you turned there were gymnasts trying different techniques and coaches helping each other. The YES principle through and through.

A fantastic flying start to Yorkshire WAG’s year, well done to everyone who took part and thank you for yet again making YES a success! I look forward to seeing you all at the next one.

Getting things going……

 Lift off to Yes 2019!


All ages working hard……

Focussed coaches, focussed gymnasts.

Even the Yorkshire WAG Squad Director can’t help but get in on the act!

A successful Yorkshire YES session finishing with the traditional team photo.

Next YES Session 2nd June 2019.

Notice of AGM 2018


The AGM of the WTC is to be held on Tuesday 11th December 2018 at Holiday Inn Express, Oulton. It will commence at 7.30pm. If time allows after the AGM there will be a meeting of the WTC under the usual agenda.

Full details can be found on the 2018 AGM Page which can be found here

A copy of the Terms of Reference can be found here

A copy of the Role Descriptions can be found here

Online Role Nomination Form can be found here

Online Notice of Motion Form can be found here

Upcoming Safeguarding Courses

Safeguarding and Protecting Children Courses


I have the following dates scheduled in for 2018 so far.

The courses will run if there are enough candidates booked on. The fee is £35 payable in advance. The candidates need to be minimum of 16 years old on the day of the course.


Sunday 15th April, 2018 – 10am til 1pm @ venue TBC

Tuesday 5th June, 2018 – 6 til 9pm @ venue TBC

Sunday 19th August, 2018 – 2pm til 5pm @ venue TBC


Please let me know if you have any candidates for any of the above. Also happy to travel if you have access to a free venue! Happy for you to share this information



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