The Bill McLoughlin nominated teams in 2019 had a tough act to follow. In 2018 Yorkshire had stormed the competition and brought the trophy proudly back to the region. Yorkshire was able to field two full teams. The first team up was Nina Deery (Sheffield Workshop), Holly Blake (Elmfield), Ren Billingham (Leeds), Poppy Wilkinson (Leeds). They delivered solid performances, clean beams and represented the region proudly. Next up were Megan Bridge (Gymmagic), Shanna-Kae Grant (Leeds), Keira Thornton (Gymmagic) and Madison Ockerby (Leeds). Another set of excellent performances, another set of clean beam routines and another set of gymnasts representing the region proudly.
The results were in and for the second year in a row ……..
Yorkshire Team A – NATIONAL CHAMPIONS! (and winning by over 2.0 marks).
The long list of top ten placings are below,
Megan Bridge (Gymmagic) 1st vault, 1st beam, 1st floor, Shanna-Kae Grant (Leeds) 4th bars, 2nd beam, 2nd floor, highest AA scorer, Keira Thornton (Gymmagic) 2nd vault and 10th floor Madison Ockerby (Leeds) 4th beam
As one coach commented it was a very long but very successful day!
Well done to all of the gymnasts for a superb representation of the region, well done to all of the coaches and thank you to our 2 lead coaches Sharon Gott and Steph Murray.
It’s been a busy few months for Yorkshire Women’s Artistic Community and it’s time to catch up on reporting and celebrating the hard work of gymnasts, coaches, judges and the WTC itself. Back in April following the Yorkshire Grades the gymnasts who qualified for National Finals were the first to try out the new National Team Training programme.
In 2019 the YGA WTC has separated the National Team Training from the Squad programme in order to increase the number of sessions and to make those sessions fully focused on the qualifying teams.
Although the sessions were organised by members of the WTC the aim was to let the sessions belong to the coaches and the gymnasts, with them telling the WTC how they wanted it to work and what they needed. This approach was to give the coaches and gymnasts chance to work as a team and as was only to be expected from the fantastic members of our region, they did just that.
The 2 sessions took place 2 weeks apart with the coaches choosing the first session to be focussed on skills and team structure, the second on routines and judge’s feedback.
With the team training behind them in May, four full national grade teams headed down as well as our successful compulsory gymnasts.
The compulsory gymnasts competed first on the 11th/12th May.
Although not full teams so unable to place in the team competition the individual gymnasts did themselves proud with Leila Lih (Dronfield) in Compulsory 3 achieving a fantastic 7th place on vault to give her an overall score over 60. In Compulsory 3 Lexi Mortimer (Gymmagic) and in Compulsory 4 Olivia Munro (Dronfield) both achieved a super top 20 place on apparatus, vault and bars respectively.
These were tough competitions working to the highest standards in the country and the 3 Yorkshire gymnasts were able to return home with pride at a job well done.
The National Grade teams followed shortly afterwards on the 25th/26th May
The National 1 Team consisted of Louise Akers (Diamonds) Georgie King (Leeds), Florence Stoney (Gymmagic), Jessica Rodgers (Sheffield Workshop) and Lola Pritchard (Sheffield Workshop) in reserve. These experienced consummate professionals represented the region to a resounding 5th team place. There were some fantastic highlights with Georgie achieving 8th on vault, 4th on bars, 2nd on floor and 7th overall. Louise delivered a super 4th on vault, Florence 1st on bars and 5th on range and Jessica a solid top half result on 3 pieces and overall. The combination of good solid results all round from all of the team meant that Yorkshire placed well and looked good in this tough National Arena.
Not to be outdone the National 2 team also delivered a resounding 5th place. The best National 2 result for several years. The team consisted of Summer Elbortoukaly (Harrogate), Poppy Wilkinson (Leeds), Elsie Grieg (Sheffield Workshop), Jessica Burton (Sheffield Workshop) and Holly Blake (Elmfield) in reserve. The results were headed up fantastically by Poppy with a 3rd on vault, 7th on bars, 1st on floor, 4th on range and a 4th overall. Elsie delivered a super 8th on vault. 9th on floor and a resounding 9th all round. Summer and Jessica delivered solid all round scores for the team with Summer coming 6th on vault. The combined efforts of these gymnasts saw Yorkshire again standing with heads held high amongst the nation’s regions.
The National 3 team had the unfortunate news of 2 injured gymnasts shortly before the competition date however the reserves stepped in at very short notice and with good spirit whilst sending their condolences to the disappointed gymnasts who had unfortunately had to step down. The team work across clubs to deal with this really was outstanding.
The National 4 team, last in the report but by no means least, delivered for the region with an extremely respectable 6th team place. The team were Anna Forbes (Harrogate) Evie Bottomley – Probst (Harrogate), Imogen Thompson (Gymmagic), Mia O’Neill (Gymmagic) and Libby Wilson (Dronfield) in reserve.
Anna demonstrated what good all round scores can do, she placed 8th on beam and only narrowly missed top ten on 3 other pieces meaning that she delivered a fantastic 5th place overall. Evie delivered fantastic 13’s on 2 pieces, Mia and Imogen super 12 plus scores on 3 pieces each. It shows the standard of this competition that high scores were narrowly missing out on top ten places. However good all round performances were what the team needed and the gymnasts came through to ensure that Yorkshire had yet another good all round result to celebrate.
Below are team pictures showing our Yorkshire gymnasts quite rightly enjoying a sense of achievement. This set of results across all of the competitions is one of the strongest and most consistent that Yorkshire has delivered for some time. A very big well done to you all, coaches and gymnasts alike. Below is a gallery of our great gymnasts.
The AGM of the WTC is to be held on Tuesday 10th December 2019 at Holiday Inn Express, Oulton. It will commence at 7.30pm.
Nominations are invited for the following posts on the committee:
· Chair
· Competition Organiser (Floor )
· Vice Chair
· Competition Organiser (National)
· Secretary
· Competition Organiser (Door)
· Finance Manager
· Communication and Media Officer
· Judging Convenor
· Squad Director
· Welfare Officer
· Judge and Coach Education Officer
· Competition Co-ordinator
· Joint Training Officer (YES Co-ordinator)
Role descriptions are available at the website by clicking here.
Nominations must be accompanied by
the name of the Proposer,
the name of the Seconder
a short resume of relevant experience supplied by the nominated person, to enable an informed decision.
Emails will be sent to all nominees asking them to confirm that they accept the nomination, if the nomination is not accepted or no response received by the deadline the nomination will not be completed.
In the event that there is more than one candidate nominated for a post, a vote will take place at the AGM and all CLUBS attending the meeting will be entitled to one vote per position.
The Secretary must receive all nominations including the names of the Proposer and Seconder and resume no later than midnight on the 24th November 2019
Nominations and resumes will then be circulated prior to the meeting.
Nominations can be made via the website using the online form here,
Nominations from the Floor
If no one is nominated for a post prior to the meeting a nomination may be made from the floor with a proposer and a seconder. In this instance the nominee accepts the nomination at the meeting and provides a verbal resume.
Nominations from the floor cannot be made for posts where nominations have been received prior to the meeting. As the nominee needs to accept the nomination it is only possible to nominate from the floor if the nominee is in attendance.
Notice of Motions
Requests for notice of motions for discussion at the AGM must be submitted via the online form/in writing/by email by midnight on 24th November 2019,
Notices of motions can be made via the website using the online form here,
The session is open to any gymnasts not in Yorkshire WA Squad. YES sessions are a joint training opportunity provided by Yorkshire WTC. Co-ordinated by the Joint Training (YES) Officer it is a chance to meet other coaches, share tips and best practice. Also an opportunity to spend some time on those areas you just don’t get chance to focus on in the gym. A great training opportunity for coaches and gymnasts alike. If you haven’t been to one yet then maybe it’s time to give it a try!
A completed GDPR/Data Protection Form should be completed for each gymnast, coach and judge and brought on the day. When you submit your application you will be automatically taken to the form to download, but if you have any difficulties email
The results for Yorkshire’s 2018 and 2019 have been added to bring the results pages up to date and putting the results in a single place for your easy reference.
The eerie empty competition hall at Catterick awaits the arrival of the gymnasts for 2 long weekends of ups, downs and flying around. Looping the loop and defying the ground.
2 full weekends saw over 650 Yorkshire gymnasts compete.
The 8th and 9th March were Club Grades 6 and 5, 30th and 31st March saw Regional 4,3,2,1, National 4,3,2,1 and Compulsory 5,4,3.
An amazing 4 days that had Catterick Garrison buzzing with the regions gymnasts. There were grins, there were tears and then more grins. Surprises, achievements and a huge celebration of our incredibly tough and amazing sport.
Well Done Gymnasts Each and Everyone!
The WTC is made up of volunteers who give substantial amounts of time and effort to try and make Yorkshire WA Gymnastics a rewarding experience throughout the region. The buzz, the enthusiasm and achievements of the 100’s of gymnasts that compete at the competitions is what lifts those volunteers spirits and reminds them what it is all for.
Thank you to the many people who support the competitions and make them possible, those that set up the equipment and equally those that put it away after a long and tiring weekend. Sometimes this put away can fall on the same few people exhausted at the end of the competition. Sunday 31st showed what happens when everyone does their bit. Significant numbers of people helped, the arena was set down in just over an hour and everybody got to leave at a reasonable time. A massive THANK YOU to all those that stopped and hopefully this will set a trend in 2019 for lots of help and lots of swift packaways.
In a village called Wilsden, in the West Riding of Yorkshire the first blue plaque honouring the birth place of an individual gymnast was unveiled.
In 1928, at the Amsterdam Olympic games, women were allowed to compete gymnastics for the first time. Wearing short tunics and thick black woollen stockings, the British Ladies Olympic team performed drill, apparatus and vault. As our home page has commemorated for sometime, that team of 12 contained not 1 but 4 Yorkshire gymnasts.
One of those 4 was Edith Carrie Pickles, known to the world as Carrie Pickles and after marriage as Carrie Pollard. She and her team mates secured the bronze medal and put British and Yorkshire Women’s Gymnastics on the world stage.
Carrie started at All Saints Gym Club, continued to train at Bradford Gym Club and secured Yorkshire Champion and British Champion on her path to the Olympics.
Carrie went on to be the British Ladies’ Olympic Gymnastics Coach at both the 1948 London Games and the 1952 Helsinki Games. Back in Yorkshire she ran the Saltaire and Bingley Gym Clubs. Carrie coached at all levels, those that just wanted the sheer joy of gymnastics through to those aspiring to Olympic success, including amongst these her two daughters.
There are many still actively involved in gymnastics throughout Yorkshire, who came from her stable and carry her influence both in the region and the sport.
In 2018, on the 90th anniversary of the Amsterdam games a crowd funding page was launched to support the cost needed for this memorable plaque. As the appeal drew to a close, Yorkshire Women’s Artistic Gymnastics contacted the organisers and offered to contribute the outstanding amounts needed. A donation of a £150 was made to honour an influential representative of women’s gymnastics in Yorkshire. The contributions from Yorkshire WAG and the many others, were able to raise sufficient funds to not only support the plaque, but to contribute a trophy to Saltaire Gym Club.
Yorkshire Women’s Artistic Gymnastics are proud to have been a significant supporter in bringing about another milestone for gymnastics and in honouring one of the county’s early successes.
The first Yorkshire WA Squad took place on the 24th March and kicked off with excellent attendance and a fantastic attitude.
We welcomed Paddy Lavelle to the county with Yorkshire hospitality and a willingness to benefit from the expertise which has produced the first British European and World Champion in tumbling. Paddy serves as the tumbling representative for British Gymnastics.
Paddy spent time with each group of gymnasts in turn, working on technique and building blocks. His enthusiasm as well as his expertise was inspiring. When not working with Paddy the gymnasts worked on the apparatus and with grades approaching this was clearly the focus for gymnasts and coaches alike.
As this was the first session of 2019 the gymnasts received their log books and spent some time at the end of the session to note down what was learnt and to get to know each other a little better. An enjoyable and enthusiastic start to the Yorkshire WA 2019 Squad Programme. Well done to all involved and a big thank you to Paddy for kicking the year off in style, we hope you will come back to see us again in the future and see the fruits of your input.